Loft Assessments
What is a Loft Assessment and what would I get for my money?
This is a question that is often asked, and to explain, we can only describe what we have done in the past.
Initially after agreeing a fee for our visit, we sit down and discuss your role within the sport at present. The things we need to know at this point are fairly standard, how long you have been in the sport, what birds you keep, numbers kept, your hours available for the birds, what you have achieved racing and if your birds have beed successful for others. We then look at your set up and inspect the birds, there is the normal health checks that we visually do ourselves, we then log and inspect all the birds. Our findings are then put together and sent to you in a report.
The report includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Initial Inspection and first impressions
The lofts, environment and location
The birds, suitability, strengths and weaknesses
Conclusions and Findings
The exact contents of our report and how we come to our recommendations are not disclosed to anyone other than the client. Unless permission is given, the contents will remain confidential.
The successful clients receive the report and are free to either administer the changes or ignore them.
At no point in time are birds culled, we firmly believe in the customer having complete control over the destiny of his own birds. It may be the client has more faith in the birds and decides to persevere with them.
Every loft and fancier is different, so it is impossible to give a exact account of the assessment. Some take a few hours, others take a few days.
The choice is entirely up to the client who is employing our services.
In the past we have travelled the world giving advice to customers and helping others.
This will not change, customers can rest assured our after sales service will still be as good as ever, but for the person who whats that little bit extra, the choice is out there.
All assessments will be judged upon there own merits and will be subject to agreeing our Terms and Conditions. Prices are dependent on the following:
The Requirement
The Location
Time scale needed to carry out the assessment
Accommodation and Flights (if required)
If your interested in a Loft Assessment
contact Gary or John today
It could be the best move you will ever make
Contact Us